Monday, April 16, 2007

weekend extravaganza

i had a pretty fun and interesting weekend... to say the least. i left school with lindsey and got home about 8:00 friday night after we picked up katrina winner from ONU. i went to ryan's house later that night and we didn't really do much except put sticky notes all over a girls car. after we got back from that ryan and i sat in his basement and talked until 1:30am about stupid shit. overall, the night was actually kind of fun - sad, i know.

saturday i had my lifeguard recertification class which i was hoping to get out of early to go to the ben folds concert... however, it went all the way until 5 - luckily i passed all the tests. i went straight home, loaded my stuff in my car and headed to the concert. it had just started to rain, sleet when i left home so the roads were starting to get bad. i was just east of bellefountain on rt. 33 when my dad called me to make sure that i was alright. i put my cell phone down, looked up, turned the wheel to go around a soft curve in the road and my car started to spin/fishtail. i tried to correct it but the roads were too slick and i ended up first hitting the front left side of my car with the guard rail and then i kept spinning and hit the back left side of my car with the guard rail too. it had been no longer than a minute and a half when i talked to my dad and i was already calling him back to tell him what had just happened. he just sat there silent for the first few seconds.. i didn't think that he believe me... and then he started to talk. i haven't found out what the cost of the damage is but it's not going to be a cheap fix, if it gets fixed at all. my dad seems to think that there is a possibility it could be totalled depending on if there is something wrong with the engine. the tow truck came and got my and i arrived in versailles around 9:45 pm.

i went out later that night with ryan and we met up with some people at the minster bowling alley - peter, tim, janel, krista, steph, stephen and a few others. we took a drive to mcdonalds and went through the drive-through about 15 minutes before they closed with everyone ordering something different and paying with seperate money. we were really obnoxious, which made it that much more fun - but all that more annoying for the mcdonalds worker. we went back to the bowling alley for a few mintues and then went to this spieles kid's house in town. ahhh, there house was so freakin cool... it was really nice but not overly extravagant where you were afraid to touch something. anyway, saturday night was another fun night. sunday i went to church and then headed back to ashland around 2:30 (booo...).

1 comment:

marissa finch said...

geeze zach! I cant believe you wrecked your sweet car! AND didnt tell me about it!