Saturday, March 31, 2007

A New Realization

It has just hit me that there are only 6 weeks of school left. As much as I don't really like Ashland, I hate to admit that I will miss certain parts:
1- i have met some of the most amazing people EVER. aka Molly Gehring... I am really going to miss our highly intellectual and spiritual conversations during lifeguarding.
2- the food... #1 Dining Serivice in the Nation!
...and that's about it. Sad, I know . . .

These six weeks are going to fly by... i have to go home the first 3 weeks in april. First weekend is for easter, the following i'm getting lifeguard re-certified and then im immediatly leaving to go to a ben folds concert at OWU and the following weekend after that (21st, 22nd) i'm coming home for my Godson's baptism - yes, i AM a Godparent... some of you are surprised, i know. haha.

I just can't wait to be finished with school at Ashland, and school in general. I remember this same feeling last year as I was finishing my senior year of high school. I couldn't wait to be finished with all my sports so that i could just relax and "enjoy life" Everyone always told me High School would be some of the greatest years of my life, but i never belived them. However, i have now come to the realization that they could not have been more accurate.

Monday, March 26, 2007

My new favorite songs.

I've recently discovered some new songs that are really good - atleast i think so. My sister got the new Sugarland CD so she let me download it to my iTunes. I've just been listening to the cd over and over because i like it so much. However, i do have a few favorites: Settlin', Happy Ending, Want To, April Showers and County Line. I haven't been listening to a lot of country music lately but i am really starting to enjoy it again.
For some easy listening music while doing homework i really like matt nathanson's songs Suspended, Sad Songs and Bent. Also, Boston by Augustana, 100 years by Five for Fighting, Fast Car by Tracy Chapman, Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn, Girl From Athens by Pay Mcgee Band, the whole Lifesong CD by Casting Crowns - esp In Me and Stained Glass Masquerade - are all really good.

One of the first weekends i was on campus CAB hosted a Randi Driscoll concert. I really debated on whether to go or not but i wasn't doing anything else so i decided to go. I was expecting this horrible cabaret performance from some stupid artist but i was actually pleasently surprised. One, she was rreally, really, really good looking and two, she could actually sing. Her music is a little different but i really like it. Two of her good songs are Lucky and Lies.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I loathe school. I hate Ashland and all the stupid idiots that go here. I had so much fun this weekend that it was so hard to come back - i can't wait to go home for easter break.

Weekend At Home

After a lot of debating on whether or not it would be worth it to come home Friday night, I decided that it would. I left ashland at 12:21 and got home around 2:35am . . . so i made really good time (it takes my parents 3 hrs and me 2.5 hrs on a typical trip). I got up early Saturday morning to meet meghann and her friend, amy - who lives in chicago - for coffee at 9:30. It was really good to see them and they had a few funny stories about amy's first trip to the VILLAGE of VERSAILLES. (Upon coming into to town amy asked meghann where all the tall buildings were and meghann replied . . . uhh, there aren't any. haha). Then I came home and went to Jocelyn's house about 1:00 to visit. I left there about 1:45 and went to greenville to meet up with marissa at broadway joes, which is an awesome coffee shop - a lot cooler than what i was expecting. We had a great time talking about random things and catching up. We talked for two hours and actually ended up closing broadway joes at 4 as we were the last ones to leave - but it was all good because marissa works there. Needless to say I can't wait to hang out with her again. I went to church with mom at 5 and then Danielle and I ordered Sideliners for dinner after mom and dad went to visit grandma and grandpa. At 8:30 i went to kathy hoying's house and hung with everyone there - a lot of people i didn't really know.

Today, Sunday, has been a GREAT day . . . I have not done a single thing besides shower, eat and sleep. Actually, as I write this I'm sitting outside on our porch enjoying the weather we are having - it's awesome.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Life's Good

Life has been treating me well lately and I sure am enjoying it. Here's why:

--I talked with Marissa last night for a good while and we are going to Broadway Joe's on saturday to have coffee. I must say, I am pretty excited... especially since I haven't seen in her such a long time.

--This week, although I have a serious lack of motivation, class has been pretty interesting. I haven't caught myself dozing off in accounting or thinking about a conspiracy to make my religion teacher stop talking - one class he said 'um' 55 times in a 5 minute period...

-- In my Information Technology class I tonight we had a test over excel, which is notorious for failing grades. I, however, feel that I did really well and finished earlier than most people in my class. I couldn't help but notice the frustrated expressions on my classmates faces as I left.

--I'm going home tomorrow night to see my friends and family, but most importantly Kameron -aka Kam Man. I really do miss the little guy. Whenever I call home I always ask to talk to him and i love to hear the excitement in his voice as he says "Hi Zach!" I ask him some simple questions... what he's doing, what he ate for lunch and dinner, how his little 'brudder' (brother) is and my favorite part of the conversation comes at the end. After I tell him I love him, and he I, he hands the phone back to mom - his grandma- and says "It's ZACH!" ... I can just see his smile and excitement as he hands the phone back... and I love hearing the sound of him running to the door with a big smile to greet me as I come home. He is the little brother I never had but always wanted . . . :)

--I have pretty damn good friends... and a kickass family.

-- The bucks pulled through and beat the Vols 85-84. You bet I'll be watchin' them play Memphis on Saturday.

----I think it's really improtant for us to try and focus on the good things in life. Personally, I tend to spend a little too much time thinking about the bad things that I don't give much thought to the good things. Recent family events has shed light and made me realize that people make mistakes, no one is perfect, everyone deserves to be loved ...and God is GREAT! By realizing these things hopefully we are better able to focus on the good things instead of the bad ...and for the first time in a very long time I can honestly say . . . life's good!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My First Post

Ah, I am now entering the blogging world. . . If you were to ask me why I would say "Uhhhh . . . " and just stare at you with a blank look. So, I really don't know why other than I now have a dumping grounds for my thoughts, which are often hard to put into words. With that being said, I just now realized that I may be going mad so if you don't see me in the next few days, weeks, months, years - you should probably make sure I'm not dead :) haha, just kidding . . .

Anyway... on to some substantial information. I have currently diagnosed myself as having the college "freshmenitis." Everyone just got back from spring break and now all of a sudden I have this HUGE lack of motivation to be productive. (I just randomly thought of the Cher song "If I could turn back Time..." LORD, help me, I seriously have gone mad). I had accounting homework that was due monday and i have yet to do it... along with the homework that was due today. My reading for Exploring the Bible is piling up as well because I haven't opened my Bible in the last 3 weeks (I'll just look all the answers up on the internet when test time rolls around - our test only consist of 2 essay questions that he gives us 3 weeks in advance and we are allowed to bring one-side of a sheet full of notes). My reading for English Comp. II I have yet to do as well - Spark Notes always comes in handy :) However, the one thing I have been doing well lately is eating! I worked in the Rec Center as a Lifeguard over spring break and since our dining hall wasn't open i had to eat food that i brought back from home. This mostly consisted of doritos, soup, grapes, yogurt, Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches, girl scout cookies, crackers, and other not so healthy food. I was never so happy to walk into convo than after practically starving myself for a week...

In other news, I decided that I am going home for the weekend. I thought that since I spent a week of hell here at Ashland all by myself, I deserve to go home and see my family and friends. Speaking of friends, I just came in contact with one of my long lost pals Marissa Finch. We were in the same lifeguard certification class two years ago and then worked together at the Y during my senior year. We hadn't spoke since the winter of 2005/2006 and i randomly got an email from her a few days ago. We've just emailed a few times back and forth but I will hopefully see her this weekend when I come home so that we are able to catch up on each others lives. It's weird how those things work out . . .

That's all for now folks, peace out!