Thursday, April 26, 2007

Accident - UPDATE

Well, I found out a week ago that the insurance declared my car totaled. Let's be honest, I was not all that sad about it. My mom was a lot more disappointed and sad about it than I was... typical mother :) The insurance company offered us about 9200 dollars but my car is worth way more than that, so needless to say.. we didn't accept. Dad said the least we would take is about 10,500 dollars... I'm worried though because even though they declared it totaled, that was with the 9200 dollar amount. If they do go with what my says it's worth (12,500) then I'm afriad they won't total and then go ahead and repair it. It's not that I don't like my car, it is pretty unique - i've never seen one like it - I just want to get a new car. (selfish? perhaps...) Right now I'm either looking at spending NOT a lot of money and getting a '97 Honda Accord or spending a little more money and getting a Mazda 6. I love how Mazda's look and they are much more sporty than the Accords, although not as good with gas. I'm also debating on if I should get my car before I got to camp or wait until I get back. I'm hesitant to wait until I get back (Aug. 17) because I think my friends and I are going to LA or San Francisco for a few days right after I get home and then school starts a week after that. So... not much time to find a car and buy it - and I need a car to drive to school since I'm living with Amber and Nick. At the same time, I don't just want my car sitting around all summer. Geeezzzzzz.... i hate these stupid decisions. Well, I had a LONG day - getting up at 5:15am and having class and work straight until 8:45pm with only about a 2 hr break is definitely not my forte... if only it were summer!

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